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Example: Running CB

This example explores the Cycle Benchmarking (CB) protocol that allows us to characterize the process infidelity of a dressed cycle (a target cycle preceded by a cycle of random elements of the twirling group).

Choosing Parameters

The make_cb() method generates a circuit collection to perform cycle benchmarking. The first argument required by make_cb() is the cycle to be benchmarked. The second parameter n_random_cycles is also a required parameter, it tells make_cb() how many times to apply the dressed cycle in each random circuit.

The number of circuits for each circuit length, n_circuits, is 30 by default and should be chosen to optimize the tradeoff between desired speed and accuracy of the estimation.

The number of randomly chosen Pauli decay strings used to measure the process fidelity, n_decays, should be chosen to exceed \(min(20, 4^{n_{qubits}} - 1)\). The default value for n_decays is 20 to satisfy this bound. Choosing a value lower than \(min(20, 4^{n_{qubits}} - 1)\) may result in a biased estimate of the fidelity of the dressed cycle.

The twirl parameter specifies which twirling group the random gates which form the pre-compiled dressed cycles are pulled from. By default, make_cb() uses the Pauli group, "P".

The choice of circuit lengths in n_random_cycles depends on the cycle being characterized as well as the selection of twirling group. If the cycle is a Clifford and the twirling group is "P", lengths should be chosen such that applying the cycle to be benchmarked n_random_cycles times will result in an identity operation. In the example below, we benchmark a cycle containing an \(X\) gate and a controlled-\(Z\) gate, both of which apply an identity operation when raised to even powers. We therefore choose cycle lengths 4, 12, 24. While the values of n_random_cycles can be any multiple of 2 for this example, users should be careful to choose a range of values such that the exponential decay is evident in the plot; this will ensure that the fit function gets enough information to accurately estimate the fidelity of the dressed cycle. To validate that this condition has been satisfied, users can plot the data from the CB circuits after running the circuits on a simulator or on hardware to see where the chosen data points fall.

The final parameter is a bool, propagate_correction, which tells make_cb() whether to compile correction gates for the twirling group into neighbouring cycles (propagate_correction=False) or propagate them to the end of the circuit (propagate_correction=True). By default, propagate_correction=False. Warning: propagating correction to the end of the circuit can result in arbitrary two-qubit gates at the end of the circuit! The final circuit can be converted to a user-specified gateset using the Compilation Tools tools.

Benchmarking a Cycle

We begin by initializing a cycle to benchmark:

import trueq as tq

cycle = {(0,): tq.Gate.x, (1, 2):}

Generate a circuit collection to run CB on the above cycle with n_circuits=30 random circuits for each circuit length in n_random_cycles=[4, 12, 24] and n_decays=24 randomly chosen Pauli decay strings. For the purpose of demonstrating how to recognize a poor choice of n_random_cycles, we generate a second CB circuit collection with the same parameters, except n_random_cycles=[2, 4, 6]. A good choice of n_random_cycles will result in a lower uncertainty in the fit parameters and therefore a more accurate estimate of the average gate fidelity.

circuits = tq.make_cb(cycle, [4, 12, 24], 30, 24)
bad_circuits = tq.make_cb(cycle, [2, 4, 6], 30, 6)

Initialize a simulator with stochastic Pauli noise and run the cycle benchmarking circuits on the simulator to populate their results. Given this error model, we expect the individual Pauli infidelities corresponding to strings with more than two \(Z\) or \(Y\) to be \(0.01 \times 2 \times\) # of \(Z/X\) terms, where the factor of two comes from simulating errors in both the random and interleaved cycles.

sim = tq.Simulator().add_stochastic_pauli(px=0.01)

Plot the results of the circuits with badly chosen n_random_cycles:


We can see in the plots above that our choices of n_random_cycles are sampling from the nearly linear portion of the exponential decay. While this is valid, it is not efficient (in terms of the amount of required data) at precisely learning the decay rates. Below, we show the same plots for the better choice n_random_cycles=[4, 12, 24] (ideally, the best place to sample is \(1/e\approx 0.37\)).


The output parameters of this protocol are displayed below using the fit() function. When the circuits were generated, n_decays=24 random three-qubit Paulis were chosen as representatives, and the rate of decay of each was measured; these decay rates are reported. However, the parameter of interest is the composite parameter e_F, which is an estimate of the process infidelity of the entire cycle.

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Cycle Benchmarking

(0,) : Gate.x

(1, 2) :

  • cycles: (Cycle((0,): Gate.x, (1, 2):,)
  • labels: (0, 1, 2)
  • protocol: CB
  • twirl: Paulis on [0, 1, 2]
The probability of an error acting on the specified labels during a dressed cycle of interest.
7.0e-02 (5.2e-03)
0.07004009292219604, 0.005224644061859647
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
9.3e-01 (5.2e-03)
0.929959907077804, 0.005224644061859647
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.6e-01 (3.5e-02)
0.8572524724864501, 0.035151066005922445
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.9e-02)
0.9041630554501853, 0.019101509499363116
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.7e-02)
0.9046384125229662, 0.016673914415200244
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (9.3e-03)
0.9172649669378943, 0.009282671746887756
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (8.3e-03)
0.9178200864723023, 0.008271529140448054
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (9.7e-03)
0.8986747898147458, 0.00968493653037383
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (6.6e-03)
0.9207877274139996, 0.0066279573217489654
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (1.4e-02)
0.8896976028684801, 0.01440120272976041
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (2.2e-02)
0.8887585808198403, 0.021854136874028145
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.1e-01 (1.3e-02)
0.9142224995396199, 0.013210367810893957
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (6.7e-03)
0.9413616926443233, 0.006662072023703954
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.8e-02)
0.9032161844934384, 0.017588237682121165
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (4.5e-03)
0.9495085056136472, 0.00453856205208943
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (4.3e-03)
0.9389473153208007, 0.004300847634303788
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (2.3e-03)
0.9770098626296241, 0.002317154902601905
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (3.8e-03)
0.9532449400874499, 0.0038028543928984183
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (4.1e-03)
0.9596370794946087, 0.004104855147224384
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (6.7e-03)
0.9353380050050057, 0.00666793871670377
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (2.2e-03)
0.9754096176680155, 0.0021697203289248006
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (3.8e-03)
0.9575506795168859, 0.0038270109340705592
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (3.0e-03)
0.9611878405006208, 0.0029599626001712573
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (4.7e-03)
0.9567738600503727, 0.004741126918604711
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (1.5e-03)
0.9599354074632576, 0.0015473370054274313
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.1e-03)
0.9366365850527654, 0.003066733930085238
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.2e+00 (3.6e-01)
1.2237925695548877, 0.35610676739690617
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01 (1.4e-01)
0.9309778599235778, 0.1439318967907059
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (1.3e-01)
0.9626648702998909, 0.13312750841730667
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (7.5e-02)
0.9505669468392534, 0.07461025464618122
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01 (6.6e-02)
0.9290660355621322, 0.06597250772360566
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (7.8e-02)
0.9750520484065625, 0.07834592020819117
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (5.7e-02)
1.001640480661014, 0.057309707570599264
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (1.2e-01)
1.0118411393458793, 0.11967972175131687
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (1.7e-01)
0.9423012350940094, 0.16833603022182636
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (9.8e-02)
0.887187869718767, 0.0975003011665624
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (5.5e-02)
0.9020379025483662, 0.05492412511932285
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01 (1.4e-01)
0.9710656358177482, 0.13876656308261037
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (4.0e-02)
0.8850266111072104, 0.040256840769439174
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (3.7e-02)
0.9810534867699633, 0.03721180116354824
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01 (2.2e-02)
0.9655337054525753, 0.02175971691415384
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (3.5e-02)
1.0032839768283828, 0.03547755094456757
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.6e-02)
0.9416761451820955, 0.03608629665559626
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (5.7e-02)
1.0046720046484676, 0.057431413862642326
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (2.1e-02)
0.9983665823647017, 0.021467885377639117
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.7e-02)
0.9448690589939369, 0.036925817251788756
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (2.8e-02)
0.9418311988447358, 0.027978009497041465
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.9e-01 (4.1e-02)
0.9943968896085044, 0.04098821909341424
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.9e-01 (1.5e-02)
0.985956810820951, 0.014622886330565401
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (2.7e-02)
1.0072085927367365, 0.02701337103264106

The default fit is to the process infidelity of the entire dressed cycle. We can also manually specify qubit labels to query the process infidelity of subsets of qubits, whose errors will be with respect to the context of the entire cycle.

[8]:[0, [1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]).plot.compare_twirl("e_F")

Finally, we can compare the individual Pauli infidelities (see CB for definitions), whose average value estimates the process infidelity. See also stochastic calibration SC to select these curves manually.


Targeting Specific Errors

We can also use cycle benchmarking to estimate the probabilities of specific errors. These errors can be supplied using an optional parameter targeted_errors at generation (see make_cb() for more details) or by updating the keys of existing CB circuits. We demonstrate the latter approach below. Note that if your circuits are already populated with results, the length of each error must correspond to the number of measurements in your circuits.

targets = tq.math.Weyls("XII_ZII_IIX_IIZ")
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Cycle Benchmarking

(0,) : Gate.x

(1, 2) :

  • cycles: (Cycle((0,): Gate.x, (1, 2):,)
  • labels: (0, 1, 2)
  • protocol: CB
  • twirl: Paulis on [0, 1, 2]
The probability of an error acting on the specified labels during a dressed cycle of interest.
7.0e-02 (5.2e-03)
0.07004009292219604, 0.005224644061859647
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
-1.1e-02 (5.0e-03)
-0.011223839824967385, 0.004995883375437728
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
2.3e-02 (3.3e-03)
0.02341069771633414, 0.003342780578849372
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
-6.9e-03 (5.4e-03)
-0.00694777631891158, 0.00541441014311624
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
1.1e-02 (4.7e-03)
0.011032891401843326, 0.0046981708878685085
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
9.3e-01 (5.2e-03)
0.929959907077804, 0.005224644061859647
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.6e-01 (3.5e-02)
0.8572524724864501, 0.035151066005922445
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.9e-02)
0.9041630554501853, 0.019101509499363116
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.7e-02)
0.9046384125229662, 0.016673914415200244
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (9.3e-03)
0.9172649669378943, 0.009282671746887756
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (8.3e-03)
0.9178200864723023, 0.008271529140448054
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (9.7e-03)
0.8986747898147458, 0.00968493653037383
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01 (6.6e-03)
0.9207877274139996, 0.0066279573217489654
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (1.4e-02)
0.8896976028684801, 0.01440120272976041
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (2.2e-02)
0.8887585808198403, 0.021854136874028145
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.1e-01 (1.3e-02)
0.9142224995396199, 0.013210367810893957
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (6.7e-03)
0.9413616926443233, 0.006662072023703954
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (1.8e-02)
0.9032161844934384, 0.017588237682121165
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (4.5e-03)
0.9495085056136472, 0.00453856205208943
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (4.3e-03)
0.9389473153208007, 0.004300847634303788
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (2.3e-03)
0.9770098626296241, 0.002317154902601905
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (3.8e-03)
0.9532449400874499, 0.0038028543928984183
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (4.1e-03)
0.9596370794946087, 0.004104855147224384
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (6.7e-03)
0.9353380050050057, 0.00666793871670377
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (2.2e-03)
0.9754096176680155, 0.0021697203289248006
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (3.8e-03)
0.9575506795168859, 0.0038270109340705592
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (3.0e-03)
0.9611878405006208, 0.0029599626001712573
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (4.7e-03)
0.9567738600503727, 0.004741126918604711
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (1.5e-03)
0.9599354074632576, 0.0015473370054274313
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.1e-03)
0.9366365850527654, 0.003066733930085238
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.2e+00 (3.6e-01)
1.2237925695548877, 0.35610676739690617
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01 (1.4e-01)
0.9309778599235778, 0.1439318967907059
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01 (1.3e-01)
0.9626648702998909, 0.13312750841730667
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01 (7.5e-02)
0.9505669468392534, 0.07461025464618122
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01 (6.6e-02)
0.9290660355621322, 0.06597250772360566
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (7.8e-02)
0.9750520484065625, 0.07834592020819117
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (5.7e-02)
1.001640480661014, 0.057309707570599264
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (1.2e-01)
1.0118411393458793, 0.11967972175131687
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (1.7e-01)
0.9423012350940094, 0.16833603022182636
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (9.8e-02)
0.887187869718767, 0.0975003011665624
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.0e-01 (5.5e-02)
0.9020379025483662, 0.05492412511932285
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01 (1.4e-01)
0.9710656358177482, 0.13876656308261037
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.9e-01 (4.0e-02)
0.8850266111072104, 0.040256840769439174
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01 (3.7e-02)
0.9810534867699633, 0.03721180116354824
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01 (2.2e-02)
0.9655337054525753, 0.02175971691415384
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (3.5e-02)
1.0032839768283828, 0.03547755094456757
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.6e-02)
0.9416761451820955, 0.03608629665559626
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (5.7e-02)
1.0046720046484676, 0.057431413862642326
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (2.1e-02)
0.9983665823647017, 0.021467885377639117
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (3.7e-02)
0.9448690589939369, 0.036925817251788756
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01 (2.8e-02)
0.9418311988447358, 0.027978009497041465
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.9e-01 (4.1e-02)
0.9943968896085044, 0.04098821909341424
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.9e-01 (1.5e-02)
0.985956810820951, 0.014622886330565401
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00 (2.7e-02)
1.0072085927367365, 0.02701337103264106

We can plot the probability of specific errors acting on the qubits during the cycle of interest:

circuits.plot.compare_twirl([f"e_{targ}" for targ in targets])

Cycle Benchmarking on Qudits

The make_cb() function natively extends to higher-dimensional qudits without any modifications, however when it comes to our choice of parameters we need to take the qudit dimension into account.

For this example, let’s consider a three-qutrit system and a single cycle consisting of a qutrit \(X\) gate and a controlled-\(Z\) gate (analogous to the qubit example above):


cycle = {(0,): tq.Gate.x3, (1, 2): tq.Gate.cz3}

# display the cycle in a circuit
0 1 2 Key: Labels: (0,) Name: Gate.x3 Aliases: Gate.x3 Gate.x3pow1 1.00 1.00 1.00 X3 Labels: (1, 2) Name: Gate.cz3 Aliases: Gate.cz3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -0.50 0.87j -0.50 -0.87j 1.00 -0.50 -0.87j -0.50 0.87j CZ CZ

To create the CB circuits, we need to modify our selected values to n_random_cycles such that all inputs are divisible by \(3\), since the \(CZ3\) gate used in our cycle is of order \(3\) (note that while the \(X3\) gate also has order \(3\), it leaves the Weyl Transfer Matrix invariant up to a phase and hence does not impose a restriction on the sequence length):

circuits = tq.make_cb(cycle, [3, 12, 24], 30, 24)

As before, we instantiate a simulator with a stochastic \(X\) error, but since we are now considering qudits, we implement a stochastic Weyl instead of Pauli error by calling the add_stochastic_weyl() method:

sim = tq.Simulator().add_stochastic_weyl(W10=0.01)


Weyl operators are the generalization of the Pauli operators for higher qudit dimensions. Technically, the add_stochastic_weyl() and add_stochastic_pauli() methods for the Simulator are aliases of each other and implement the same operation, however we chose to use the add_stochastic_weyl() just to be explicit. See also Advanced Qudit Framework for more information on the mathematical background of Weyl operators.

When we plot the resulting decays, we expect to see both a real and imaginary component of the fit parameters because the stochastic Weyl error channel for dimensions larger than \(2\) has complex eigenvalues:


Note that the decay parameters are now expressed in terms of Weyl operators instead of Paulis.

And as before, we can inspect all fitted parameters by calling the fit() method:

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Cycle Benchmarking

(0,) : Gate.x3

(1, 2) : Gate.cz3

  • cycles: (Cycle((0,): Gate.x3, (1, 2): Gate.cz3),)
  • labels: (0, 1, 2)
  • protocol: CB
  • twirl: Paulis on [0, 1, 2]
The probability of an error acting on the specified labels during a dressed cycle of interest.
5.6e-02-0.0e+00j (4.9e-03)
(0.056049740760708566-0j), 0.00485289503256181
The probability of the subscripted error acting on the specified labels.
9.4e-01+0.0e+00j (4.9e-03)
(0.9439502592392914+0j), 0.00485289503256181
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01+1.8e-02j (6.9e-03)
(0.9329886774170104+0.018360594183908792j), 0.006854841996365098
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01+1.8e-02j (5.7e-03)
(0.9381238180950169+0.01781554598703514j), 0.005730128124772712
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01+1.1e-02j (6.8e-03)
(0.9276980374126383+0.010712850456766716j), 0.006784344690092841
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-1.4e-02j (6.4e-03)
(0.9398897455357179-0.01421510699472264j), 0.006412987247396632
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-1.7e-02j (6.6e-03)
(0.9351139497758688-0.017184150504055716j), 0.006566533700969661
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-3.4e-02j (5.4e-03)
(0.940345666148192-0.03355009658531377j), 0.005422267376617773
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01+1.8e-02j (4.0e-03)
(0.949933626492043+0.01833577828889067j), 0.003963148087313608
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01+6.4e-04j (1.6e-03)
(0.9810910844654893+0.0006354907212936715j), 0.0015974375673026462
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01+1.4e-02j (4.2e-03)
(0.9497720895209986+0.01411436360534217j), 0.0041659374197815045
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-1.6e-02j (5.8e-03)
(0.9388770595156465-0.01629312510298171j), 0.005837584974819043
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01-3.9e-02j (7.1e-03)
(0.9245100141016572-0.038620229376452576j), 0.0070985765984242525
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-1.6e-02j (3.9e-03)
(0.953813611252825-0.015804053161001103j), 0.0039173481117884944
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01-4.0e-04j (1.9e-03)
(0.9812003908172329-0.00040434133624270074j), 0.0018900627973834595
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01-2.8e-05j (1.8e-03)
(0.9795284392908304-2.7838548172277942e-05j), 0.001763047584854601
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01+1.9e-02j (4.1e-03)
(0.947485841655951+0.018831654710887775j), 0.004095157107319059
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01+1.7e-02j (4.1e-03)
(0.9516347315404182+0.01715960350070863j), 0.004063694693834375
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01-7.9e-04j (4.7e-03)
(0.9246865072827215-0.000790766364100958j), 0.004650173701735206
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01-1.9e-02j (7.8e-03)
(0.9316111514709152-0.018688033946613152j), 0.0077625649052555255
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01-1.4e-02j (5.7e-03)
(0.9333171583817003-0.014394123452667424j), 0.005677450152521261
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01-1.8e-02j (7.0e-03)
(0.9288802207710757-0.017552897258055773j), 0.007037949927838243
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01-2.5e-04j (8.2e-03)
(0.9173130684044493-0.00024825514222077483j), 0.008211767476455684
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01-3.9e-03j (3.9e-03)
(0.9567130857382478-0.0038618862621849987j), 0.0038867303572389603
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-1.7e-02j (1.7e-03)
(0.951662688598027-0.01723707862678923j), 0.0017433983924145966
Decay parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-1.2e-03j (5.9e-03)
(0.9386155580583173-0.0011607061611736609j), 0.0059171635200705374
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01-4.8e-02j (5.2e-02)
(0.9601249915937368-0.04835831627506818j), 0.051584294856962705
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01-9.1e-03j (4.3e-02)
(0.9204724070784503-0.009062249383710448j), 0.04342784994541727
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.9e-01+2.0e-02j (5.2e-02)
(0.98531430803667+0.019728483348721283j), 0.05219936162449876
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.8e-01-4.6e-02j (4.7e-02)
(0.8814935251723358-0.04563326358090577j), 0.04673762495957015
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-4.1e-02j (5.2e-02)
(0.9400771002477902-0.040846671522123644j), 0.05224312367113614
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01-2.0e-02j (4.4e-02)
(0.96363201276077-0.020362413694421606j), 0.043570282339886364
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01-3.5e-02j (3.2e-02)
(0.9654866052045782-0.035258035003161485j), 0.03155462781303916
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-1.8e-02j (1.6e-02)
(0.9541308783786987-0.017536429984779136j), 0.01641465209616356
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01+5.6e-03j (3.3e-02)
(0.9496827009713168+0.005596020900512167j), 0.03283022081603062
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.2e-01-2.9e-02j (4.6e-02)
(0.9203099546123451-0.02879438284561096j), 0.04565204346998111
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01-1.7e-02j (5.5e-02)
(0.9320045802940097-0.01653502793650803j), 0.05515929883053845
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.3e-01-2.6e-02j (3.4e-02)
(0.9341101798026737-0.026104350219234174j), 0.033737391054037634
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.4e-01-3.3e-02j (1.7e-02)
(0.9371215541718817-0.03278027639114195j), 0.01710886677183053
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-1.9e-02j (1.7e-02)
(0.9484706943124778-0.019115724016001208j), 0.017079522540186156
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
8.5e-01-5.0e-02j (3.3e-02)
(0.8456964288119742-0.049707687451437284j), 0.03346672218242478
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01-4.0e-02j (3.4e-02)
(0.9681062075676168-0.040167844596232405j), 0.034423580499360056
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.7e-01+1.3e-02j (3.5e-02)
(0.9697245407215616+0.013384562265949676j), 0.03513201119127715
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-1.2e-02j (5.7e-02)
(0.9472153185431812-0.012432122214787695j), 0.05697686978086869
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.6e-01-4.2e-02j (4.7e-02)
(0.9560589194203803-0.04190722291113897j), 0.04677732557615107
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.5e-01-3.0e-02j (5.3e-02)
(0.9517487935513218-0.029550308764882228j), 0.052975773482003864
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00-1.7e-02j (6.7e-02)
(1.0439291838840628-0.016584813359975477j), 0.06705692565631201
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
1.0e+00+1.2e-02j (3.2e-02)
(0.9988899365352669+0.012384608093651172j), 0.032330492222542175
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01+3.3e-03j (1.5e-02)
(0.9810221880775524+0.0033304943746464972j), 0.014820088737271427
SPAM parameter of the exponential decay $Ap^m$ for the given Pauli term.
9.8e-01-2.2e-02j (4.8e-02)
(0.9792989476145039-0.02222008867077291j), 0.0481418476155415


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